OCTOBER 16, 2021

(In person or on line – your choice)

The theme for this year’s meeting is “Building resilience and embracing change”.  It intends to recognize how as individuals, as a society, as a profession and as an organization, we have navigated a period of great uncertainty and change and become stronger in our commitment and motivation to offer better and more sustainable patient’s care in all countries we visit and where VOSH has presence.  The international eye health care context is evolving rapidly with recently agreed international targets on vision by 2030, addressing children’s vision can generate change and there have been several innovations to offer outreach services from which we can learn.

At this meeting, we will welcome new Board members and our new VOSH/International President, Dr. Michael Ciszek

Join us in person or online (details In Venue section)

We are grateful for the support of National Vision, Inc. as the Visionary Sponsor of our meeting