VOSH-Northwest Named Chapter of the Month for February 2020! Congratulations to This Amazing Chapter!
Chapter Changes Lead to VOSH-NW Serving More Patients Locally and Abroad in the “Year of the Eye Doctor”
VOSH-Northwest has been very busy this past year. In January 2019, we participated in the Kitsap Homeless Clinic which served approximated 200 local people. In May, 2019, VOSH-NW traveled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, completing a 5 day mission clinic, serving 2300 local citizens. VOSH-NW also serves the Millionaire’s Club in Seattle during the year along with the Union Gospel Clinic in Spokane, WA. We look forward to a mission trip to Lima, Peru in September 2020 as well as continuing to participate in the local charities in Washington State.
2019 has been a year of change for us. Following the lead of VOSH/International, we have decided to restructure the way we run international clinics with a push to use new glasses. That meant a major clean out and reduction of our used glasses, a very huge undertaking to say the least. We have continued to update our logo to the new VOSH-Northwest logo to follow suite with VOSH/International, replacing our 3 banners in November.
We look forward to a great 2020, the year of the Eye Doctor!!!
Debbie McDonald, Pres.
VOSH Northwest