VOSH-International Technology Transfer Program: The VOSH/INTERNATIONAL Resource Management Team partnering with Optometry Giving Sight welcomes your interest in our Technology Transfer Program (TTP). VOSH, through TTP, collects, restores and ships used optometric equipment, lenses and frames to needy clinics, teaching institutions, hospitals and NGO’s and provides frames, sunglasses and equipment to VOSH Chapters. For a list of equipment, click here. To request equipment, click here

VOSH SEBecause of a very generous donor, VOSH-Southeast is able to offer a limited amount of readers from +1.00 to +4.00 for 10 cents a pair for missions in other countries and clinics here in the U.S.A. They are limited to 1,000 pairs per order and they may not be sold. The order should be sent by email tomaxobrusso23@msn.com at least six weeks before the mission on your stationary with a list of requested diopters. VOSH-SE will pack the order and invoice you for the diopters and the shipping. Upon receipt of the payment, they will ship within 3 working days. VOSH-SE offers additional readers at 75 cents each from +1.00 to +3.50 and +4.00, +4.50, +5.00 and +6.00 at $2.50 each. The high readers are made using their frames and lens in an optical lab. Special rates for VOSH or SVOSH members or missions.


Heart to Heart International, an NGO out of Olathe, KS, with an interest in supporting world wide health endeavors similar to VOSH, has ophthalmic items for sale at reasonable prices.  E.g. Welch Allyn Ophthamoscopes and Retinoscopes at approximately $100, Welch Ally Hand Held Auto Refractors at about $690. Sarah Warfield 913-764-5200

Icare-USA: Offers a special priced Tonometer for VOSH chapters: polly.neely@icare-usa.com

Lions Club Foundation, or contact Gene Rice


Restoring Vision: or contact Mark Sachs, President and Founder Mark Sachs

Shark Eyes

Smart Vision Labs: The SVOne is a smartphone-based autorefractor.