In the past few years, under the presidency of Ellen Weiss, OD, FVI, and V/I Board member Michael Ciszek, OD, Chair of the V/I Student VOSH Committee, V/I focused on improving communications and relationships with all 46 Student VOSH chapters. That included a new network of communication which easily links all SVOSH chapters, 2 SVOSH Presidents symposiums, sponsored by National Vision, Inc, increased participation of SVOSH interns, the development of a highly anticipated Student VOSH Fellowship Program, an SVOSH Members only page on the VOSH website, and more. Did you know that the students want to go on your trips? It is amazing what can be accomplished by passionate volunteers. But then again, that is the beauty of VOSH, isn’t it?
This year, I have made VOSH chapter services and domestic, local VOSH efforts priorities of my term as V/I President. This means that 2018 will be a year in which you will see a lot of benefits and changes to help your chapter communicate and operate even better. VOSH is here to help you!
Here are a few highlights of what is newly available to your chapters, as well as what will be developed as the year unfolds:
The most exciting new development is that V/I has developed a universal form to be used by all chapters during their clinics. The development of this form has gone through many renditions to achieve the best form. VOSH knows that data collection is the key to obtaining funding (which will be used, in part, to assist chapter development). Data collection is also important to validate what VOSH is doing, the importance of our work. Board member Bob Stein and NVI provided the funding and knowledge to create a universal form which captures the data needed during clinic trips, and then later sent to NVI to capture the data. This is an invaluable way to capture optometric mission data to enhance the global fight against uncorrected refractive error & preventable ocular disease. This data will be shared with you and will be used by V/I and national organizations, such as IAPB, WCO and others, to improve humanitarian eye care delivery. You can use this data to anticipate the type of eye care issues will be treating, and apply for your own funding as well. Take a look here to access this new form and an instruction power point to learn all about it. Please start using this on your next mission trip. We know there will be questions! So please ask us: or
John Larcabal, V/I Board member and chair of the VOSH Chapters Committee is very active these days! Here are a few more things John is doing to help your chapter:
- John hosts a bimonthly conference call for all chapters. This is your opportunity to share and discuss challenges and solutions, question and learn. The next Chapter Call will be on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018, 8 pm Central (VOSH conference call-in numbers: USA and Canada: (515) 604-9602, Access code: 565275#). This call will feature Kim Schuy from the Essilor Vision Foundation, discussing their various programs including providing free frames and lenses.
- John has established an Equipment Loan program for you to access for your mission trips. See And remember, the V/I Technology Transfer Program can supply you with other equipment, frames and more. See
- Implementing new communication system with VOSH chapters, embracing “VOSH-name of your” so that even if your leadership changes you can still be connected with VOSH.
- In 2017, at the request of the SVOSH chapters, V/I developed a “Members Only” page on the VOSH website. V/I plans on implementing that for VOSH chapters too, so that all the forms, waivers, applications for readers and frames, as well as a chapter – driven blog will be contained in there. More coming your way on that soon.
- We are developing updated Chapter Protocols. John is developing universal Bylaws, Waiver Documents, a Universal Membership form, and we have a VOSH logo for everyone of the 81 VOSH chapters. This will all be on the Members only page soon, but, in the meantime, ask us.
- Nominate your chapter as a Chapter of the Month!
s/ - John can be reached at
Did you know that if your chapter collaborates with a non-US or Canadian SVOSH chapter, you can receive funding? See the VOSH-SVOSH Mentorship Program (now known as MOVE: Motivating Others to VOSH Excellence):
V/I is planning a VOSH Presidents’ Symposium in Denver during the AOA Meetings in June. Watch for an email inviting one of your leadership members to attend this symposium. We did this with the SVOSH chapter presidents in 2017, and so many amazing ideas and successful programs came out of that symposium. We want to do the same for you. Pencil that meeting in tentatively on June 23, 2018 in Denver CO and we will send you more information separately.
V/I has developed a new relationship with ProTravel embracing a universal booking method that reduces travel costs while increasing convenience. Several chapters have started using their travel services and have been pleased with the outcome. There are many benefits to using ProTravel for your VOSH Travel needs, only some of which are listed below. Note that ProTravel does charge a fee (reduced for VOSH volunteers and VOSH receives a $5 rebate, which will be set aside for chapter- related programs. You will be receiving information from ProTravel to encourage you to register in advance of your trips.
- Clinic planners will have all traveler data consolidated by receiving flight manifests for all volunteers
- Risk Management – VOSH has a vested interest in the well being of our volunteers while traveling for clinics. ProTravel monitors global travel alerts and will notify travel planners of any applicable threats while traveling.
- By each volunteer booking through the same travel agent, clinic planners are able to save time and energy coordinating travelers arriving together to customs in the receiving city for the equipment inventory process
- Service Recovery, in the occurrence of flight delays, weather delays or any travel disruptions, ProTravel can assist in recovery to get VOSH travelers to their destinations rather than being at the mercy of the airlines.
- Contact the VOSH dedicated agent, Jeffrey Olinghouse at
AND there is so much more for you and your chapter.
- Did you know you can become a Fellow of VOSH/International® (FVI)? Follow this link:
lved/fellow-of-voshinternation al - Send us a video of your last clinic!
-inside-a-vosh-clinic-trip/ We want to show the world what you are doing. - Have you read Dr. Michael Listenberger’s book on VOSH? It will make you laugh and cry and reminisce. Even if your personal story is not in the book, your story is in that book. This book also make a great gift and spreads the meaning of VOSH. And you will learn a lot you didn’t know about VOSH. Buy it from us
by emailing
m or on Amazon tometric-ebook/dp/B07233DBTD/r ef=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=15154342 32&sr=8-1&keywords=bringing+ the+world+into+focus
We need your ideas and continuing involvement to meet the challenges of the global eye care crisis.
Thank you for continuing to provide free, quality eye care to those in need. VOSH is comprised of passionate, dedicated people like yourself.